Monday, November 24, 2008

And the Award goes to...

Definitely NOT Twilight!

Man, where to start?
How about with Edward? Robert Pattinson is ugly. Edward is described as "less lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair...more boyish than the others...chalky pale...very dark eyes...devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful." In fact, all of the Cullens were described as "devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful," yet none were. I'll say it again, Robert Pattinson is ugly.
So, who was my Edward?

Gaspard Ulliel

He is gorgeous. Maybe this picture doesn't best represent his Vampirishness..but he's beautiful.

I have a whole list. Actually, I have a whole 498 page book annotated with problems, but I'll just highlight my major problems. (I apologize now, as this will probably get extremely boring unless you're psychotically passionate about Book-to-Movie translations like I am...and you love Twilight.)

1.Billy and Jacob WERE NOT supposed to be there when Bella got her truck. It was already at Charlie's house when they got home from the airport.
2.Bella's bedroom was entirely wrong. How hard is it to put up yellow curtains instead of blue and add a computer? Does that really add to the film budge that much???
3.Eric was Asian? Whatever, he was supposed to be all greasy and Eric was cute.
4. Rosalie was not model-esque as she was supposed to be. She looked cheap.
5. Emmet was supposed to have dark, curly hair...he had a buzz cut?
5. Many, many conversations were held between the wrong people.
6. Too many details were left out...
*sidenote* I know it was a movie so they'd have to shorten it, and leave out parts. However, they left out parts I thought were extremely important to the storyline. For instance, they NEVER explained the title "Twilight"and what it meant, you also learned next to nothing about the Cullens. Not enough times was spent developing Edward and Bella's relationship. Over 3/4 of the book was spent just developing their relationship, but the movie didn't do much. I left not caring at all about them...
7. The face Edward made in the Biology room?! He looked like he was going to vomit, like she smelled disgusting not delicious...I know in the book it says he looks disgusted, but come on. LEARN HOW TO ACT!
8. Bella and Charlie ate at a diner every single night...Bella is supposed to cook for him and "take care" of him.
9. Bella and her mother, Renee communicated via Cellphone. Here mom is supposed to be very forgetful, and they are supposed to communicate mainly through emails, but Bella didn't even have a computer in the movie!
10.In the books, Charlie is supposed to be oblivious to the Cullen's "truth", he's heard rumors but doesn't believe them. In the movie he was very suspicious, and believed there was somthing other than an animal killing people.
11. In the movie, there were 2 more killings than in the book...James, Victoria, and Laurent killed a millworker, and Charlies friend Wayland, which never happened in the book.
12. Many conversations were combined and/or took place in the wrong time/place.
13. In the book, Edward is sarcastic, lighthearted and laughs, makes fun of Bella etc. (unless she's in danger of course) in the movie he was always serious. Too serious. Soap Opera Serious. He was supposed to laugh, smile, joke, sing, etc. He always looked constipated.
14. Bella didn't bump her head when she almost got hit by Tyler's car...she was supposed to...
15. There was some random made up field trip...
16. There was supposed to be a period of time, about a month, where Bella and Edward didn't talk. There was no time in between in the movie.
17. In the book, Bella frequently got very frusterated at Edward and exploded on him..she never did that in the movie. She was too static.
18. One of my favorite scenes, where they were blood-typing in biology, never occured.
19. In LaPush, in the book, Jacob directly told Bella that Edward was a vampire, in the movie Jacob was more vague.
20. In the book, Jacob and Bella did not remember each other, in the movie they were "old buds."
21. Edward never "dazzled" anyone...especially Bella. It never even came up.
22. Edwards "gift" wasn't super obvious, and never annoyed Bella like it did in the book.
23. In the book, Edward is really bothered by how much Bella likes him. He wishes she'd just lose interest. In the movie, he didn't seem to care too much.
24. Jacob was almost nonexistant in the movie, he appears off an on in the book.
25. Edward and Bella were never apart in the movie, in the book they were apart when he needed to hunt and such, and it was devastating to them both.
26. What happened to the beautiful field where Edward showed off and they tested their limits?
27. In the movie, Edwards disappearance after the biology incident went unexplained.
28. The Cullen house was completely wrong in the movie. It was very modern and wood, it was supposed to be a big, old, white, rectangular house.
29. The movie made the Vampires look stupid.
30. The "matriculation" joke, should have been a huge wooden cross.
31. In the book, Edward growled and play attacked Bella after she said he didn't scare the movie he climbed trees after her statement.

Uggh. There's so much more. So much.

On a completely different note, as of recent events, I feel it's important to say:
I love you, sister.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wide Awake.

Okay, this is ridiculous. It is 12:35 am and I am wide awake (and have to be at work in another town at 7am). And starving. And we have no food in the least none readily made, so of course I ordered some awesome Pita Pit. Mmm :)

Okay, for more important news: SHE'S HERE!!! Ever Sophia "Pillow" Beeson has arrived. Galen and I have been not-so-patiently but excitedly awaiting her arrival, and on November 10th she decided to 'hatch' as Galen says. And she's gorgeous...ready for this?There is she is, pretty girl huh? This is Galen's favorite picture of her because he got her that pink blanket and the bunny pillow, so of course he's proud they're being used. :)

We looooove her. Galen refuses to call her Ever, I'm pretty sure when they're in there 20's he'll still be calling her Pillow. It could be kind of weird since he's already said he's going to marry her. Can you imagine that proposal; "Pillow, will you marry me?" Haha. Actually, his exact words when we left the hospital were, "I love that beautiful little girl. I'm going to marry her."

That's my exciting news. Now I can get my baby fix (almost) anytime I want. :) asked, here are updated pictures of my beardie. It's hard to tell how big he is so I put him next to a ruler.
Here's a good example of how big he was when we got him. He easily crawled around on a two year olds head....

This is him now, sitting on my thigh, yes..he's almost the size of my thigh.

Such a big boy. I tried to make him mad so he'd puff out his beard, it's so cool. All black and blue and huge when he's mad or showing off. But he wasn't interested in doing that for me, so you just get standard Figgy shots.

Ohhh Figment.

Last, and certainly not least, I found this AWESOME book at the used book store.That's right, for THREE DOLLARS you can lose weight, get laid and find God. How amazing. No, I did not purchase it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Too Tired.

I am too tired to think.
Too tired to come up with a more creative title.
Too tired to write a more excitig blog.

Too tired to cook dinner, so Galen's eating an apple, some chips, fruit snacks, and a sandwich for dinner.

I am too tired to upload the pictures I took of Figment today (because multiple people have been asking for updated pictures.)

I'm too tired to tell about my day spent back in high school, guest speaking in parenting classes.

I am too tired.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hey look. I added a blog for my Custom Made Crochet Designs!!!!!!!

pretty sweet dude.

Crochet Monster.

I've been crocheting nonstop recently. I absolutely love it.
The other day I wanted to make Gertie a cute little sweater dress, but couldn't find a pattern that I liked enough so I decided to wing it and make one up on my own. It turned out awesome.

Top of dress.

Closeup on flower motifGertie enjoying her new dress :)

I also made this skull cape thing, but it didn't turn out quite as good. Oh well.

My next project is a baby sleeper sac that I've made a couple times before, but my friend is having a baby so I'll be making another one! (Actually I'll be making two, I have two pregnant friends!)

Okay, so that's just a stock photo, but mine look exactly the same just varying colors.

I have a lot of other patterns I really like, I just need to work on them. I really want to see if I could make any money selling this stuff. I think I'll try to make a new blog specifically for selling and see how I do?

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm praying for our nation.

Give us more time, Lord.
However, if you choose not to, I cannot wait to see you at those pearly gates.
I pray for my friends as well, let them come to know you, and meet me there.
I pray for my family that does not know you, or is "on the fence." Let them come to know you and meet me there.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Let's Never Find Out.

I have to admit that I'm very nervous for this election. Say what you will, but I strongly believe this could be the beginning of the end if Obama wins. I know, I know. Every generation has had their "false alarms" with Armageddon, but this truly scares me. Why would our nation want to elect a president that has ties to terrorists? Who was raised learning the Koran, and wants to be sworn in on The Koran rather than the Bible. Now, I'm not saying trying to push my religion on anyone, but THE KORAN?? Do we as a nation not remember when Muslims were told to kill infidels? WE ARE THE INFIDELS! Do we want a President who believes that?

Here are some quotes from Obama's books. Pay close attention.

From 'Dreams of My Father',
I CEASED TO ADVERISE MY MOTHER'S RACE AT THE AGE OF12 OR 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"
-Do we want a president who is Anti-White?-

-Again, animosity and grievance AGAINST THE WHITE RACE.-

From 'Dreams of my Father', "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the THE OTHER RACE (WHITE) WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN AND APART"
-Obama sees the white race as MENACING AND ALIEN!-

From Dreams Of My Father, "never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. IT WAS INTO MY FATHER'S IMAGE , THE BLACK MAN, THE SON OF AFRICA, THAT I'D PACKED ALL THE ATTRIBUTES I SOUGHT IN MYSELF.
-Obama's Father, A RADICAL MUSLIM, is who he seeks to emulate.-

From Dreams Of My Father:
"THAT HATE HADN'T GONE AWAY," he wrote, BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE,- SOME CRUEL, SOME IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."
-Need I say it again? OBAMA IS ANTI-WHITE!-

Quote from Barack Obama's book, Dreams Of My Father:
"The person who made me proudest of all, though, was [half brother] Roy .. He converted to Islam."

-Now, I have nothing against Muslims, however, as a 'claimed' Christian Man, how can he be MOST PROUD of his brother for converting to Islam?-

From 'The Audacity Of Hope, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
-If that doesn't scare any American...ther might be something wrong with you...we know how the Radical Muslims feel about us!-

I came across this blog, and think it's great, so I thought I'd share the link. READ IT HERE.
This is another awesome site to understand some of the lies Obama has told the media. HERE.

It is important to note that I am not at all anti-muslim. One of my best friends in high school was Muslim, however, I do not trust Obama as he has proven that he will side with those Radical Muslims.

Yes, the same that attacked us on September, 11th 2001.

Do I think that McCain and Palin are the best candidates out there? Heck, no. HOWEVER, in a situation such as this election, I believe it is best to vote for the lesser of the two evils. That being McCain and Palin.

Yes, I agree that Palin is an idiot. Yes, I believe she is somewhat shady and may not have women's rights in her best interest. GIVEN ALL OF THAT. I still voted for their team, and I pray to God that, for the sake of our nation, they will win.

I am terrified of what could potentially happen otherwise.

And yes, I could be wrong...but who can argue with quotes from Obama himself?

Let's NEVER FIND OUT what harm Obama could do to our nation.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween and Preschooler Photography.

Halloween was fun. We carved pumpkins on Halloween Eve: A scurvy pirate and Blue from Blue's Clues. The important figures in our life, obviously.

Actually, I was pretty impressed with my carving skills considering I hadn't done it in years. I broke the pirate in a couple places, but hey, who could tell? Once the candles were in they looked pretty fantastic

Galen loved Trick-Or-Treating, especially when our neighbors would rave over his costume and let him pick out as much candy as he wanted. Good thing he's somewhat polite and would only take a couple. He did get a little short with one guy, it was hilarious. This old comes to the door with his bowl of candy, looks at Galen and says, "Oh, you're a kitty cat. How cute. How about a Kit-Kat for the little stripey kitty cat?" So, Galen politely takes the candy, then angrily grunts, "I'M A BEE!" and walks off.

That's my boy, wait until AFTER you get the candy to be rude.

Galen got quite the loot, including a ruler, pencil, play-doh, and business card. That's right. One of our neighbors, gave a 3 year old a business card for Halloween. Nice.

After rationing out the candy, Galen spent the evening with Oma, and my sister and I went to Saw V, which was good, but I totally had the ending figured out. Too bad, though I really liked Scott Patterson's character.

As an end note, I'd like to leave you with some photography Galen took while learning to use my digital camera. Think he's got a photographer career ahead of him?

My slipper.

Gertie...and my slipper.

Oh, you know, the floor. And a frog boot.

Table. Obviously.


Me minus head plus Gertie.