Friday, October 31, 2008


Our local radio station was asking listeners to call in and announce who they're voting for and why. One guy, I believe his name was Brian, said, "All politicians are crooks, and if you're dumb enough to vote for one, you're dumb enough to fall for their lies."

Brian, you're an idiot.

I'm not one to push my political beleifs on anyone, but
If you don't vote, you have no right to complain.

the end.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

If You're Happy And You Know It...

Today was a sick day. No fun at all.
So, since it was a beautiful day out, and Galen's fever was gone, we decided to go for a walk!
A very long walk.

Galen saw all the leaves on the ground and announced,
"It must be fall!"

When Galen found this, he was amazed.
Gertie didn't care so much. However, her sweater kept her nice and warm.

We thought this tree was pretty awesome.
Galen tried to climb it, but discovered he had no "Spiderman Hands" as he put it.

Galen's favorite find: a tree stump.
What a boy.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with Oma (my mom).
We went to vote, where Galen talked unreasonably loud the whole time.
Then we had Awana's and Galen got his Cubbies "Hopper" book, and he's oh so proud.

The night ended with Galen and Aunt Kaidee singing their rendition of
"If You're Happy And You Know It"
so loud I'm sure the neighbors could hear it.

And oh, yea..Galen nearly broke his neck when he decided flying off the stairs sounded fun.

Oh the joys of motherhood.


Yes, that's my NEW Blackberry Curve.
Yes, the screen is cracked in a million pieces.

No, it's not a surface's the whole way through.
No, I don't have a clue how it happened.


Meet Me. Madison.
Age: 21 (almost 22)

Likes: Fall. Music. Reading. Diet Coke. Candles. Cooking.
Scary Movies. School Supplies. Penguins. Tattoos and Piercings.
Jewelry. Purses. Electronics. Phonecalls and Texts. Art. Cold Weather.
Chapstick. Washing My Hair. Hair Dye. Letters. Dogs.
(...and much much more.)
Dislikes: Wearing Shoes. Boredom. Math. Stereotypes. Heat. Cleaning.
Nailpolish. Early Mornings.
(...and maybe a couple more.)

Meet My Son. Galen.
Age: 3 1/2

Likes: Cars. PB&J Sandwiches. The Color Blue. Rocks. Mailboxes.
Singing. TV. Drawing. Walks. Dogs.
Books. Soccer. Church. Yelling.

Dislikes: Spankings. Timeouts. Trying New Foods. Bedtime.

Meet Our Puppy. Gertrude "Gertie" Jayne.
Age: Almost 6 Months.

Likes: Eating. Eating. Eating. Her stuffed Buffalo, Jill. Other Dogs.
Barking. Running Away. Sleeping. Eating. Walks.
Dislikes: Whistling. Closed Doors. Her Kennel. Being Chased. Her Leash.

Meet Our Bearded Dragon. Figment "Figgy".
Age: About 16 Months.

Likes: Climbing. Apples. Grapes. Crickets. His Girlfriend, Gracie. Sunlight. Outdoors.
Dislikes: Parsley. Celery. Dead Crickets. Flavored Water. Being Locked in His Cage.

This is our family. Small, but quirky.